Tuesday, September 20, 2011

God's Timing...

God's timing is always perfect timing IF we are in communion with Him.  Ha!! That IF gets me all the time.  I really like to get my way and voice my opinion.  It has been such a struggle for me for the last 10 20 30 well, the last 34 years (yes, from birth).  I guess it has only been the last 10 years that I have really cared and wanted to work on myself.  I am a loooooong way from complete self control but darn it (!!) I am working on it!!!! 

That being said, God's timing with our adoption is not my timing and it hurts, frustrates, confuses and humbles me.  We did our puzzle piece fundraiser (and still have many pieces available) and were praying for the full $7500 in order to complete our homestudy and get the BIG BALL ROLLING.  We are beyond thankful for every person who gave from their heart.  We raised about $1200 with selling puzzle pieces, $400 from 2 yard sales and $200 from miscellaneous donations.  THANK YOU!!!

That leaves us way short of completing our homestudy ($1600), necessary  post placement fess ($1400), adoption agency consultation fee ($1000) and the INS (forms to get permission from our own gov't to adopt a child from a foreign country) fee ($800). So, we are at a standstill for now.  We are going to continue to raise funds, save what we can and pray the rest in.


There are so many families out there that are adoption through Reece's Rainbow like we are.  This family is one of them.  They are working and praying Autumn home.  She is such a doll!! They have raised a bunch of money but have a looooong way to go (sounds so familiar!!)  Please go over to their blog and show them some love and support through giving!! 

~ One Less Orphan ~

Sunday, September 11, 2011

We Have Some WINNERS!!!

The kids were so excited to draw the names for our giveaway!  Thank you so much for your support.  There still are many puzzle pieces available and we will continue to sell them until everyone has been purchased.  Please link our adoption blog to your blog, email your family and friends and shout it from the mountain with us!!  We will be doing another giveaway around Christmas.  

So, without further ado, here are the winners of the giveaway:

iPad- Diana Lisle
Massage- Amber Sullivan
Wine Making Experience- Lori McColgen
Pillow Case Dress- Karen Clark
Waterproof Camera- Sarah Edwards
Chocolate Divine Cake- Theresa Zimmerman
$10 Target Gift  Card- Jamie Cromwell
$10 Walmart Gift Card- Becky Christopherson

I am working on uploading the video of Zak and Brenna pulling names for the drawing.  It doesn't seem to want to work for me tonight.  

~ One Less Orphan ~