"In my distress I called to the LORD; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears."
Psalm 18:6
What happens to a Momma when her baby cries out? Her heart strings are pulled, hard, and she has to go to her baby. She has to embrace her baby with all she is and make their hurt or fear or hunger go away. She shows them that she is there for them and she will take care of them. She instills trust in their little souls, whispering deep within them that all is well, Momma is here.
These are my babies. They knew that I would hear them when they cried. Not only did I hear them, I went to them in their distress. I answered them with coos of "it's okay, Mommy's here". I whispered reassuring words of "I got you sweet baby". I shushed their cries with "shhh shhh shhh". And they would settle in to nurse. They would lay on my chest and hear my beating heart and know they were safe.

Zakry, 6 months old (2001)

Brenna, 9 weeks old (2003)
My babies are bigger now but they know without a doubt that Mommy still hears them when they cry. It still pulls on my heart strings, still pulls them hard when they are in distress. They both still cuddle and snuggle with their Momma and know they are safe.

Brenna, 9 yrs old (2012)
Even when our world is turned upside down. Losing Noah and Jack changed our "normal". It changed how we define family. It brought us to our knees and we could only cry out to our Father, in our distress. And, He heard us, He turned His ear to us and came to us. Just as we Mommas do for our children.
But what happens to those sweet babes that don't have a Momma to run to them with open heart and open arms? What happens is they learn to
stop crying out. They learn that no one gives a crap if they are lonely or scared or hurting. So they stop looking for love. They find ways to make themselves feel better.
Sweet Mia was adopted last June. She is 5 years old and is so full of smiles, laughter, love and life. She has learned so much and taught her family so much about love. Yet, when she is sick she will curl up into herself and cry. For four years she learned that no one cared when she threw up in her bed, all over her hair and clothes. When her throat hurt she would just lay in her bed, alone, and cry. She didn't cry out so a Momma would hear her, run to her, embrace her and whisper prayers to our Healer. She would just cry, alone, not expecting anything.

I stole this picture from her Mommy's Facebook pics.
Mia was an orphan for 4 years. What happens to those sweet children who are orphans and alone for 5, 10, 15, 20 years? A lifetime? They have to learn to depend on themselves, fight for themselves or be trampled on. Can you imagine being a child and having to physically fight for food? Can you picture your sweet son as an orphan, crying himself to sleep tonight because he wasn't strong enough to fight the older boys for a few bites of food? Can you feel the anger rising in your Momma's heart as you picture your fighter girl beating other kids as her heart turns a little bit colder with each punch she throws as she fights to just survive? The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy! Our enemy LOVES to see orphans die in emotional, physical and spiritual anguish, without hope, without peace, without love.
It completely and totally breaks my heart. It consumes me. I cry out so often. My Heavenly Father comes to me, running, with arms open. He hears me and comforts me. He knows each and every orphaned child, young and old. He hears their cries. He whispers to them.
He also whispers to Mommas and Daddies, busy with their own lives. Busy with work, their own children, their churches, their stresses, their fears. He whispers to them and their hearts begin to stir. He calls them to see and love and fight for these sweet children. Orphans who are babies, 5 years old, 9 years old, 12 years old, 16 years old. Orphans who are healthy, orphans who are special needs. He created every single one of them. He calls them beautiful and loved and cherished. Same as He calls me. Same as He calls you.
Sweet boy still an orphan
Maria, she slept in her bed at her home for the first time on Monday night
Adopted together from Ukraine last year
I can't be quiet. I can't stop yelling. I have to talk about adoption. I have to share these children with anyone who will listen. I won't stop praying. I won't stop crying.
There are so many wonderful families adopting. There are so many organizations advocating for orphans still waiting. Reece's Rainbow is one of those organizations. I have committed to pray, yell, cry, share and pray some more for sweet Elias. He has been chosen to be a part of the Christmas Tree Angels on Reece's Rainbow.
He currently is at $130.00 (Yahoo! Praise The Lord). Our goal is to get him to $1000.00 and to find a family for him. Head on over and donate $35.00 to Elias or any other sweet orphan there. As a "thank you" gift you will receive an ornament with each sweet orphan's face that you donate $35.00 to. I am sure there are people on your Christmas list that would love a donation in their name and an ornament under the tree.
Thank you for listening to my heavy heart today.
~ One Less Orphan ~